AVG PC Tuneup questions & answers

Clean your system to enhance its performance
Nancy Ansell
Question by Nancy Ansell
May 19, 2017

How much does AVG PC Tuneup cost?

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

According to the application's website, AVG PC Tuneup is a subscription-based tool that costs $34.99 per year or $69.99 every two years. However, on a personal note, I wouldn't recommend any "tuneup" application on Windows 8 or Windows 10 as they're generally pretty expensive and even though they may improve things a bit, it's usually not that much of change, despite previous promises.

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Question by Guest #37280907
August 20, 2016
Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

The first thing to try is the classic uninstall procedure. Simply go to Control Panel > Uninstall a Program and locate the software in the list. Double click it and choose Uninstall.

There is also the possibility to use the tool provided by the developers of AVG. Reach the following page to download the remover tool: http://www.avg.com/us-en/utilities

The tool will use its own way of removing the product without affecting your PC's functionality.

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Question by Guest
August 14, 2015

Does PC Tuneup require other AVG products to be installed? Or is in standalone?

Answer by Alex Urbach

AVG PC Tuneup is used to customize various settings available within the operating system and fix errors related to battery, functionality, registry, drivers. This doesn't act as a pro-active virus protection. Yes, you will need other AVG products installed to have antivirus and malware protection. The AVG PC Tuneup is used to customize and increase the speed of the operating system.

More about it: http://www.avg.com/ppc/ww-en/pctu-special-offer?ECID=ad:go:se:EU-EN-TuneUp-Brand-Trial-Search&gclid=Cj0KEQjwo7auBRCOtoqn_s-G7aMBEiQAxArNrFUeaW5NfPXYsQ4N4PHO8sUwRGwlq2UKV1jyG15OcOcaAgKg8P8HAQ

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